Technology - part of the Augmented2 ruleset modpack
- Allows Despotism (with Palace).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Advanced Flight
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Advanced Rocketry
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Literacy, Nuclear Fission, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Agricultural Farming
- Allows City Hall.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows irrigation if tile adjacent to fresh water (river, lake, swamp or other irrigation).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Mysticism, and Polytheism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Stonehenge.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Amphibious Warfare
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Animal Husbandry
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Antimatter Propulsion
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Great Unification Theory, and Literacy can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Artificial Intelligence
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Computers, Flight, Miniaturization, Nuclear Fission, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Copernicus' Observatory (with Culture 3500).
- Only those who know Polytheism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Atomic Theory
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Mathematics, Mysticism, Polytheism, The Wheel, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
TIP: Allow Engineers and Trains to upgrade Paved Road to Highway.
- Allows Bank (with Marketplace).
- Only those who know Code of Laws can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Pasteur Institute (with University and Culture 4300).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Mysticism, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Hospital.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Seafaring, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Bridge Building
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows roads to be built on river tiles.
Bronze Working
- Allows Colossus.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Enable mine production, obsoletes Tribe Hut.
- Allows Leshan Buddha Statue (with Temple and Culture 2200).
- Only those who know Vedism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Kyoto Fushimi Inari (with Temple, Shrine Torii, and Culture 3800 but no Church, Cathedral, Mosque, Kaaba, King Richard's Crusade, Michelangelo's Chapel, J.S. Bach's Cathedral, Temple of City God, or Taj Mahal).
- Only those who know Martial Arts can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Aqueduct, Lake (with Lake).
- Allows Aqueduct, River (with River but no Lake).
- Allows Palace (with Culture 10).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows Settlers, Migrants, Slaves, Workers and Engineers to build Forts.
Ceremonial Burial
- Allows Temple (absent Church and Mosque).
- Allows Mausoleum of Mausolos (with Temple but no Church, Cathedral, or Mosque).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Chemical Synthesis
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Iron Working, Martial Games, Mathematics, Mysticism, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
TIP: Enables farm fields - second irrigation.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Mysticism, Polytheism, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows King Richard's Crusade (with Culture 1800 but no Temple, Mosque, Kaaba, Taj Mahal, or Kyoto Fushimi Inari).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Church (with Culture 1000 but no Mosque, Monk Monastery, or Temple of City God).
- Allows Michelangelo's Chapel (with Church and Culture 3800 but no Temple, Mosque, Kaaba, Leshan Buddha Statue, Golden Temple, Temple of City God, Taj Mahal, or Kyoto Fushimi Inari).
- Only those who know Code of Laws and Monotheism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Hollywood (with Women's Suffrage and Culture 15500).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, Iron Working, Literacy, Martial Games, Mathematics, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Code of Laws
- Allows Courthouse (with Culture 200).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Combined Arms
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Literacy, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Makes it possible for Engineers to transform terrains.
Command and Control
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Literacy, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Communism.
- Allows United Nations (with Culture 12500).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Reduces the effect of Cathedrals and Mysticism.
- Allows DARPA (with Research Lab and Culture 8500).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Electricity, Electronics, Literacy, Martial Games, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Bunkers.
- Allows Cement Plant (with Railway Station, Factory, and Mountains but no Research Lab).
- Allows River Embankments (with River and Sewer System).
- Only those who know First Republic, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Seafaring, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Forbidden City (with Temple, City Walls, and Culture 3400 but no Ecclesiastical Palace, Angkor Wat, Sultan Palace, Osaka Castle, or Palace).
- Allows Sun Tzu's War Academy (with Culture 2800).
- Only those who know Taoism and Vedism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Women's Suffrage (with Slavery Abolition and Culture 7400).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Iron Working, and Mysticism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Aqueduct (with Irrigation but no River or Lake).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows Settlers, Migrants, Slaves, Workers and Engineers to build fortresses.
Copper Working
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows making mines (Bronze Working required to yield mine production)
Craft Guilds
- Allows Manufacture.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming and Polytheism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Marketplace.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Creative Art
- Allows Geoglyph.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Democracy (with Palace).
- Allows Statue of Liberty (with Culture 7800).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Desert Code
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Direct Democracy
- Allows Direct Democracy (with Palace).
- Only those who know Polytheism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Amphitheater (with Culture 500).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Additional culture point to each city, if Shakespeare's Theater exist
- Allows Stock Exchange (with Bank and City Hall).
- Allows A.Smith's Trading Co. (with Stock Exchange and Culture 4500).
- Only those who know Code of Laws, Polytheism, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Slavery Abolition (with Courthouse and Culture 3500).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Fire Station (with Water Treatment).
- Allows Power Plant (with Factory).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, Iron Working, Mathematics, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows irrigation tiles adjacent only to Sea.
Together with Railway Station and Eiffel Tower, increase radius of cities.
- Allows Post Office.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, Iron Working, Mathematics, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Massachusetts Institute of Technology (with Factory, Library, and Culture 6300).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, Iron Working, Mathematics, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, Iron Working, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Solar Plant (with Factory).
- Allows Space Module (with Factory, University, Research Lab, and Space Lift).
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Literacy, Steel, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
TIP: Enables wind turbines - on hills with irrigation.
- Only those who know Communism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Iron Working, Mysticism, Polytheism, The Wheel, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Federation.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Iron Working, Mysticism, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Fire Making
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
First Republic
- Allows First Republic (with Palace).
- Only those who know Code of Laws can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Palisade (absent City Walls and Bunkers).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows planting forests/deforestration.
- Allows Fundamentalism (with Palace).
- Allows Madrasa (with Mosque, City Hall, and Culture 2400).
- Only those who know Code of Laws, Islam, Polytheism, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Fusion Power
- Allows Space Component (with Factory, University, Research Lab, and Space Lift).
- Allows Fusion Plant (with Research Lab).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Electricity, Electronics, Literacy, Martial Games, Steel, Theory of Relativity, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
General Staff
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Iron Working, Martial Games, Mysticism, Polytheism, The Wheel, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Genetic Engineering
- Allows Cure For Cancer (with Culture 19000).
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Literacy, Miniaturization, Nuclear Fission, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Glass Working
- Allows Watchtower.
- Only those who know Polytheism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Increases fortress vision and Sea units vision radius.
Great Unification Theory
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Martial Games, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
This advance can be given, when Large Hadron Collider is build.
Guerilla Warfare
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Iron Working, Martial Games, Mysticism, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Infantry Barracks II.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Iron Working, Mysticism, Polytheism, and The Wheel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Jousting Tiltyard (with Palace and Culture 1650).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming and Martial Games can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Angkor Wat (with Temple and Culture 2800 but no Ecclesiastical Palace, Forbidden City, Sultan Palace, Osaka Castle, or Palace).
- Only those who know Vedism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Horseback Riding
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Fascism (with Palace).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Arts, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Seafaring, and Shogunate can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Factory.
- Allows Water Treatment.
- Allows Eiffel Tower (with Culture 4500).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, Iron Working, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Leonardo's Workshop (with Culture 2800).
- Only those who know Code of Laws and The Wheel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Halves the upgrade cost of your units.
Iron Working
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Mosque (with Culture 1600 but no Church, Monk Monastery, or Temple of City God).
- Allows Kaaba (with Mosque and Desert but no Temple, Church, Cathedral, Michelangelo's Chapel, J.S. Bach's Cathedral, King Richard's Crusade, Kyoto Fushimi Inari, Colossus, or Western Wall).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming and Monotheism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Mahout Barracks (with Jungle).
- Allows Khajuraho Temple (with Temple and Culture 3100 but no Kaaba, Michelangelo's Chapel, or J.S. Bach's Cathedral).
- Only those who know Vedism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Jet Propulsion
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Literacy, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Labor Union
- Allows Trade Union (with Factory and Culture 4100).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, Iron Working, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Warning: Labor Union cancel Zaibatsu effect.
- Allows SDI Defense.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Electricity, Electronics, Literacy, Martial Games, Steel, Theory of Relativity, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Iron Working, Martial Games, Mysticism, Polytheism, and The Wheel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Leather Tanning
- Allows Infantry Barracks I.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Legalism (with Forbidden City).
- Allows Temple of City God (with Temple and Culture 2700).
- Allows Great Wall (with Culture 1500).
- Only those who know Confucianism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Super Highways.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
TIP: Enables second trade route with Post Office.
- Allows Textille Mill (with River).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Iron Working, Mysticism, Polytheism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Machine Tools
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Code of Laws, Polytheism, and The Wheel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Map Making
- Allows Lighthouse (with "Sea" terrain).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Martial Arts
- Only those who know Confucianism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Martial Games
- Allows Colosseum (with Culture 850).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows City Walls (absent Bunkers).
- Allows Pyramids (with Culture 150).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
TIP: allow to upgrade Dirt Roads to Paved Roads.
Mass Entertainment
- Allows Amusement Park (with Culture 3800).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Literacy, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Mass Production
- Allows Mass Transit (with Railway Station).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Martial Games, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Lazaretto.
- Only those who know Polytheism and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Coastal Defense (with Oceanic terrain).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Iron Working, Mysticism, Polytheism, The Wheel, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
TIP: upgrade one obsolete unit per turn on cost of 1 veteran level (Warfare Museum will prevent this).
- Allows Research Lab (with University and Culture 5500 but no Steel Mill or Cement Plant).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Martial Games, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Mobile Warfare
- Allows Workshop Barracks (with Oil Refinery).
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Theatre Stage (with Culture 3900).
- Allows Shakespeare's Theater (with Culture 4900).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Literacy, Martial Games, and The Wheel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Modern Warfare
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Literacy, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Monarchy (with Palace).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Western Wall (with City Walls but no Colossus or Kaaba).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Warning: Disables Rapture Growth (except of the city with Khajuraho wonder).
- Allows Temple of Artemis (with Temple and Culture 180).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Improves the effect of Temples.
- Allows Space Structural (with Factory, University, Research Lab, and Space Lift).
- Allows Space Lift (with Research Lab, Apollo Program, and Culture 18500).
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Literacy, Miniaturization, Nuclear Fission, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Magellan's Expedition (with "Sea" terrain and Culture 2800).
- Only those who know Code of Laws, Polytheism, and The Wheel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Nuclear Fission
- Allows Manhattan Project (with Culture 9800 and Uranium).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Martial Games, Steel, and Theory of Relativity can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Nuclear Power
- Allows Nuclear Plant (with Factory).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Martial Games, Steel, Theory of Relativity, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Gives sea units one extra move.
Offshore Exploration
- Allows Offshore Platform (with Oil Refinery and Oceanic terrain).
- Allows Port Facility (with Oceanic terrain).
- Allows Hoover Dam (with River and Factory).
- Only those who know First Republic, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Seafaring, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows embarked Settlers, Migrants, Workers, Engineers or Transports and Barges to build oil platforms on Deep Ocean, required to get the bonus from Offshore Platforms.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, Iron Working, Mathematics, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Overseas Trade
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Iron Working, Mysticism, Polytheism, Seafaring, and The Wheel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Enhanced range of territoral waters.
Paper Making
- Allows Great Library (with Library and Culture 1550).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Polytheism and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- The first player to learn Philosophy gets an immediate advance.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Code of Laws, Mathematics, Polytheism, The Wheel, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- The first player to learn Physics gets an immediate advance.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Mfg. Plant (with Factory).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Martial Games, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Statue of Zeus (with Culture 900 but no Church, Cathedral, Mosque, or Kaaba).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Granary.
- Allows Hanging Gardens.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Printing Press
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, and The Wheel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Quantum Theory
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Martial Games, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Airport.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Electricity, Electronics, Literacy, Martial Games, and Metallurgy can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Increases vision radius of Sea and Air units.
- Allows Atlantic Telegraph Company (with Post Office).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, Iron Working, Mathematics, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows Workers and Engineers to build airbases and buoys.
- Allows Mobile X-ray (with Hospital and Culture 4200).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Iron Working, Martial Games, Mathematics, Mysticism, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Railway Station.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Iron Working, Mysticism, Polytheism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows Engineers, Builders and other Worker-type units to upgrade roads to Railroads.
For Despotism or Tribal governments, cancels the penalty to worked tiles with output greater than 2 (as if all your cities were always celebrating).
- Allows Recycling Center.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Seafaring, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows irrigation tiles not adjacent to any water source.
- Allows Oil Refinery.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows any Worker-type units to upgrade mines to oil wells on Desert and Glacier tiles, for an extra production point.
- Allows Supermarket (with Marketplace).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Seafaring, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Internet (with Research Lab, DARPA, and Culture 10500).
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Literacy, and Miniaturization can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows SAM Battery.
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Literacy, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Saddle Stirrup
- Allows Stables Barracks.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Sewer System (with Size 9).
- Only those who know Polytheism and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Satellite System
- Allows Global Positioning System (with Apollo Program, Research Lab, and Culture 9500).
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Literacy, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Increases unit vision radius, except of Air and Sea units.
Screw Propeller
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Iron Working, Mathematics, Mysticism, Polytheism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Harbor (with "Sea" terrain but no Port Facility).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Sacred Cairn.
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Taj Mahal (with Mosque and Culture 2800 but no Temple, Church, Michelangelo's Chapel, King Richard's Crusade, or Temple of City God).
- Only those who know Islam, Polytheism, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Shrine Torii (with Temple and Culture 1300 but no Church or Mosque).
- Only those who know Vedism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Osaka Castle (with Temple, Shrine Torii, and Culture 2800 but no Ecclesiastical Palace, Angkor Wat, Forbidden City, Sultan Palace, or Palace).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming and Vedism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Golden Temple (with Temple and Culture 4500).
- Only those who know Islam, Polytheism, Vedism, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Simple Machines
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Slave Trade
- Allows Yasir (with Marketplace).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Police Station.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Iron Working, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Space Flight
- Allows Apollo Program (with Research Lab and Culture 12000).
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Literacy, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Combustion, Communism, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Literacy, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Steam Engine
- Allows Darwin's Voyage (with Culture 4500).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Code of Laws, Iron Working, Mysticism, Polytheism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows Settlers, Migrants, Workers and Engineers to build Water Locks.
- Allows Steel Mill (with Railway Station, Factory, and Coal but no Research Lab).
- Only those who know First Republic, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Seafaring, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows Engineers and barges to build Road Bridges over Lakes or Ocean (bridge need to be adjancent to coast)
Stone Knapping
- Allows Moai Statues (with "Sea" terrain and Culture 10).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Sultan Palace (with Mosque, Madrasa, and Culture 3900 but no Ecclesiastical Palace, Angkor Wat, Forbidden City, Osaka Castle, or Palace).
- Allows Thermal Bath.
- Only those who know Code of Laws, Iron Working, Islam, Mysticism, Polytheism, The Wheel, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Large Hadron Collider (with Culture 25000).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Martial Games, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Allows Settlers, Migrants, Workers and Engineers to upgrade railroads with maglev.
Super Soldiers
- Only those who know Amphibious Warfare, Electricity, Electronics, Flight, Literacy, Miniaturization, Nuclear Fission, and University can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Ecole Speciale Militaire (with Culture 5800).
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Iron Working, Martial Games, and Mysticism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Electricity, Literacy, Martial Games, and Metallurgy can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
TIP: Together with Hollywood wonder, 3 additional entertainer specialists for each city.
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, Literacy, Polytheism, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Thalassocracy.
- Only those who know Code of Laws and Polytheism can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
The Corporation
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, First Republic, Martial Games, Mathematics, Metallurgy, and Seafaring can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Halves the corruption of trade related to distance from the capital (or eliminates it for Federation governments).
The Harness
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
The Republic
- Allows Republic (with Palace).
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
The Wheel
- Allows Watermill (with River but no Windmill).
- Allows Windmill (absent Watermill).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Cathedral (with Church and Culture 2900 but no Temple or Mosque).
- Allows Ecclesiastical Palace (with Church, Cathedral, and Culture 3200 but no Angkor Wat, Forbidden City, Sultan Palace, Osaka Castle, or Palace).
- Allows J.S. Bach's Cathedral (with Cathedral and Culture 4800 but no Temple, Mosque, Kaaba, Leshan Buddha Statue, Golden Temple, Temple of City God, or Kyoto Fushimi Inari).
- Only those who know Code of Laws, Monotheism, Polytheism, and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Improves the effect of Churches.
Theory of Gravity
- Allows Isaac Newton's College (with University and Culture 5700).
- Only those who know Polytheism and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Theory of Relativity
- Only those who know Agricultural Farming, First Republic, Iron Working, Mathematics, Mysticism, Seafaring, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Marco Polo's Embassy (with Culture 1900).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Halves the waste of production related to distance from the capital.
- Allows Hydro Plant (with Factory and River).
- Only those who know First Republic, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Seafaring, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows University (with Library, City Hall, and Culture 3400).
- Allows Warfare Museum (with City Hall and Culture 4000).
- Only those who know Polytheism and Writing can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Monk Monastery (with Temple and Culture 1800 but no Church or Mosque).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Warrior Code
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
Welding Technology
- Only those who know Egalitarianism, Martial Games, and Steel can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Allows Library (with Culture 100).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
- Only those who know First Republic, Iron Working, Martial Arts, Mysticism, Seafaring, Shogunate, The Wheel, and Theology can acquire this technology (by any means).
- To preserve this technology for our nation some bulbs are needed each turn.
TIP: Increase factory production by 25% (this effect is cancelled by Labor Union).