I think it would make the game more interesting if players could join in federation. Federation would be like enhanced alliance. Players would share economics, research, wonders, and foreign politics (alliance/peace/armistice/cease-fire/war).
Like European Union? It could be interesting with AI players but, with humans, there are teams and that would be rudundant. Sarilho1 (talk) 16:04, January 19, 2013 (UTC)
Forums: Index > Creative Contents > Federation
- "Like European Union?" ... I don't see any benefits, whether in freeciv nor in real live, from centralizing more and more of the administration and ruling away from the vote, control, needs and say of the people. For freeciv, the only (and somehow cheating) effect of such a federation would be to multiply Empire_Size_Base by the number of participants. A different, but probably difficult to implement behavior would be that more than one player can, concurrently, act on one and the same empire. -- 20:47, January 19, 2013 (UTC)