Forums: Index > Creative Contents > Question on Terrain Mod (2.3)

I am working on a mod (currently for 2.3). One of the changes I want to make is to add new terrain types. I am having difficulty getting a new graphic to work. It will load the alt graphic, but never the new one. Am I missing something? Can anyone point me in the correct direction? So far I have:

  • Added a graphic to amplio2/terrain1.png just as I have done for ~10 new units, which all work perfectly.
  • Added the following line to amplio2/ terrain1.spec (again, as with my working units). This may be where the issue is, the extra (bold) numbers and dots are not used in the units.
    •  10,  0, "t.10.lava_pits1"
  • Added (one last time, just as with new units) the terrain info in default/terrain.ruleset. There seems to be no "t.lava_pits" or "t.desert" verbage, but only "desert", etc. in the graphic line. This may be where the issue is, the extra (bold) numbers and dots are not used in the units.    
    • [terrain_lava_pits]
      name                 = _("Lava Pits")
      graphic              = "lava_pits"
      graphic_alt          = "lake"
      identifier           = "L"
      movement_cost        = 9
      defense_bonus        = 500
      food                 = 0
      shield               = 1
      trade                = 0
      resources            = "resource_gems", "resource_gold"
      road_trade_incr      = 0
      road_time            = 10
      irrigation_result    = "no"
      irrigation_food_incr = 0
      irrigation_time      = 0
      mining_result        = "yes"
      mining_shield_incr   = 1
      mining_time          = 10
      transform_result     = "no"
      transform_time       = 0
      rail_time            = 12
      clean_pollution_time = 3
      clean_fallout_time   = 3
      warmer_wetter_result = "no"
      warmer_drier_result  = "no"
      cooler_wetter_result = "no"
      cooler_drier_result  = "no"
      native_to            = "Land", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter", "Stealth", "Space"
      property_mountainous = 50
      helptext             = _("\
One of the complications of terrain type graphics you might be missing is that you need [tile_lava_pits] -section in your .tilespec file to define how the terrain interacts with neighbouring tiles with other kind of terrains. --Cazfi (talk) 17:46, February 5, 2014 (UTC)