Spherical Hex Map for freeciv.
Hi I stumbled upon this demo and I complied the suppied code in Visual C++ Express 2008 under windows 7.
It is written with GLUT GLEW and GLUI using opengl. I thought that free civ might consider using this kind of map in freeciv at some future version perhaps?

Hex Planet by Joel Davis - Win32
Reply:I have been working on the Sphere page. In order to make a sphere like this using hexagons, you must also use pentagons. This is equivalent to one of the cases in the "Buckyball" solution. The Buckyball solution is expounded on the Sphere page.

Notice the pentagon
I have also tracked down a link to the nice demo you linked to http://vickijoel.org/hexplanet/
There are other spherical map solutions out there. Personally, I like the icosahedron (20 sided die shape) tiled with diamonds. With this solution, current tile sets can be used.