Forums: Index > Creative Contents > Translation

I would like to translate freeciv into serbo-croatian, this would mean that with insignificant modifications you could get translations to these languages: croatian, serbian, bosniak and montenegrin.

I have sufficient knowledge of programming and fair experience with translation, but I need some help with adding a new civilization (yugoslavia) and I do not fully get the explanation on how to translate this game (from the articles provided on this page).

If there is anyone willing to help me I'd appreciate it. 14:46, 1 November 2008 (UTC)

Hi Lavoslav,

Thanks for your interest in Freeciv. :)

My advice is pretty simple: Sign up on the mailing lists and ask the questions there! The mailing list for translation is called freeciv-i18n. Go to and subscribe!

As for the new civilization, you can modify an existing nation and then submit the end result as a "bug report" - go to and check the mainpage header for the report email address (spam protection).


--hima 23:09, 3 November 2008 (UTC)