
To update a tileset from 3.1 to 3.2 you must add some new graphics and update the file format strings.

The .tilespec file[]

  • Set format of .tilespec file to options = "+Freeciv-3.2-tilespec"

The .spec files[]

  • Set format of all .spec files to options = "+Freeciv-3.2-spec"

Activity specific unit sprites[]

Different unit sprites are now supported for different activities. In the tileset the activity is denoted by suffix "_<activity>" in the sprite tag. The default sprite is one for "Idle" activity, so if you just want to keep old tileset working as it was, add "_Idle" to the end of each unit sprite tag

tiles = { "row", "column", "tag"
                           ; Scenario League tags in brackets
  0,  0, "u.armor"         ; [Nemo]
  0,  1, "u.howitzer"      ; [Nemo]


tiles = { "row", "column", "tag"
                                ; Scenario League tags in brackets
  0,  0, "u.armor_Idle"         ; [Nemo]
  0,  1, "u.howitzer_Idle"      ; [Nemo]

Storm unit[]

Some supplied rulesets, including the default civ2civ3, now have a Storm unit. Any tileset aiming to be compatible with these standard rulesets should provide "u.storm" unit graphics.

Harbor tag[]

Supplied rulesets now prefer tag b.harbor instead of b.harbour for Harbor building sprites, though latter still works as fallback. Tileset meant to be used with standard rulesets should provide b.harbor

Support for svg-flags aware clients[]

Clients now work in one of two modes; normal or svg-flags-enabled one. Tilesets should support both. To make that possible, former single files array is replaced by three arrays. files_svg should list .spec -files that are specific to svg-mode, files_pixel files specific to normal mode, and files common to both.

Files arrays[]

If your tileset is using default flag files, these simple changes are enough:

If you've been using normal size flags, you don't need to do change anything. Even the flags spec can remain in common files array, as the tags are correct for both normal and svg-flag modes.

If you've been using large flags, move misc/flags-large.spec from files to new files_pixel array as its only entry, and add files_svg array with a single entry misc/flags.spec


Add svg_height entry to the .tilespec to define size (height) of the flags on map when svgflags -mode is in use.

Extra specific Pillage sprites[]

The client now properly shows extra-specific Pillage-sprites, instead of always using generic Pillage activity sprite. This might change how your tileset displays, if you've already had such sprites defined.

Teleport cursor[]

New cursor is needed for the Teleport action. If your tileset is using misc/cursors.spec, it gets the new cursor automatically from there. Otherwise you need to provide the cursor with tags cursor.teleport0 - cursor.teleport5 yourself.

Event icons[]

There are a couple of new events that require icons. Most tilesets get these by including the default misc/events.spec, but if you don't, the new icons are e_city_conquered, and e_treaty_shared_tiles

How to update a tileset from…

2.2 to 2.32.3 to 2.42.4 to 2.52.5 to 2.62.6 to 3.03.0 to 3.13.1 to 3.23.2 to 3.3