
These are the tilesets that require independent downloads for installations up to Freeciv 2.3, but beginning with Freeciv 2.4, most are available for download through the modpack installer. Downloaded tilesets may sometimes lack polish as compared to those shipped with the official version, but offer a variety of aesthetics, and sometimes additional sprites that can be used by ruleset editors. Actively developed tilesets are liable to change in ways that customized content depending upon them may lose compatibility, most notably customized tileset file dependencies, even within bugfix releases.


  • Chess is a large Overhead 60×60 tileset with a chess-board aesthetic.
Downloads are available for Freeciv 2.2 and 2.3.
Modpacks are available since Freeciv 2.4.
  • NekoTrident is a small Overhead 30×30 tileset variant of Trident with cartoonish, pastel terrain. No cat-themed units, unfortunately.
A forum download is available for Freeciv 2.5.
  • Sextant is a large Overhead 60×60 tileset based off of the Trident tileset arranged in a 2×2 grid, with many aspects retouched to suit the larger size without stretching.
Modpacks are available for Freeciv 2.5 and 2.6.


  • Amplio is a large Isometric 96×48 tileset available that is the precursor of Amplio2.
Downloads are available for Freeciv 2.0 and 2.3.
Modpacks are available since Freeciv 2.4.
  • Deltasquare is a large Isometric 96×48 tileset variant of Amplio2 for use with the Variant2 ruleset.
Modpacks are available from Freeciv 2.6 onward.
  • Freeland is a medium Isometric 64×32 tileset available as a download for Freeciv 2.0 and later.
  • Freeland-big is its large Isometric 128×64 variant.
Downloads are available for Freeciv 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3.
Modpacks are available since Freeciv 2.4.


No notable Hexagonal tilesets are currently available.


Modpacks are available from Freeciv 2.6 onward.
  • AmplioHexBig is a large Isohex 126×64 tileset. From Freeciv 2.6 onward, Hexemplio is shipped with game installations, and contains the basic version of the tileset.
Modpacks are available since Freeciv 2.4.
Modpacks are available from Freeciv 2.6 onward.

See also[]

Game Anatomy & Modding
Event ScriptingEditing RulesetsEditing TilesetsMore RulesetsMore Tilesets