Multiplayer-Plus Ruleset (MP+ 1.1)[]
The original Multiplayer ruleset aimed to fix Classic ruleset balance for multi-player games. MP+ 1.1 rectifies more issues that were discovered in massive multi-player games over years of play-testing. Basically a few conservative changes keep the game "how it's supposed to be." The Design Log details this list more thoroughly.
How to Play[]
- Multiplayer branch games can be played alone or with other humans at
Changes from original Multiplayer rules:[]
- Each item below is also a link to a more detailed explanation in the Design Log.
- Land units on Mountains get +1 vision.
- Illegal Action movement penalty removed.
- No bribe/sabotage on Air and Missile units.
- Tech costs equalize pace of discovery for all game stages.
- No Philosophy bonus after Conscription, Industrialization, Electricity, or T85.
- Darwin's Voyage is now similar to Colossus.
- Lighthouse: +2 moves, +1 vision, obsolete by Miniaturization. Cost 170.
- Pyramid restored to Classic effect.
- Copernicus' Observatory costs 100 shields.
- Mass Transit: 60 shields, +2T. Recycling Center: 70 shields, +2P.
- Air Units exert no ZoC over adjacent tiles.
- Restrictinfra=ON makes enemy rails act only like roads.
- Non-military Bribe cost fixed to work on all non-military units.
- Submarine attack was incorrectly set as a Battleship. Restored to classic Civ I/II strength.
- Battleship:Cruisers:Destroyer movement set to 10:11:12.
- Swamp Transform reduced to 12 worker-turns: promotes fairness and naval participation in continental games.
- Flaws in Aircraft mechanics fixed.
- Wonders have global effect.
- Diplomacy improved. By default, cease-fire and peace can be established without embassies.
See next:[]
Changes in Multiplayer II from Multiplayer+