
Multiplayer branch of rulesets[]

This article compares the differences between Multiplayer I and the Classic ruleset. There is also a Multiplayer I Game Manual.

👉🏻 The Multiplayer branch rulesets are adaptations of the Classic ruleset, optimized for massive multiplayer game play. They are the de facto standard for human vs human games.

* This page summarizes the first release of the Multiplayer branch: Multiplayer 1.0. MP1 release is no longer the preferred multiplayer ruleset. Upgraded releases are now available:

MP+ (Multiplayer+ 1.1) is a revised upgrade of Multiplayer 1.0. It has important fixes and is preferred for Multiplayer I games.

Multiplayer II[]

Multiplayer games have major evolutionary upgrades in the Multiplayer II Evolution releases. Players interested in Multiplayer II should start by learning what Multiplayer 1.0 has done to Classic (on this page below), then read the further changes done to Multiplayer+ 1.1.

How to play[]

  • Single-player
    • In native desktop Freeciv, Multiplayer 1.0 can be accessed with the server command /rules multiplayer
    • Use the server console commands /set minplayers 1 and /set aifill x (where x is the number of AI opponents.)
  • Multi-player

Multiplayer 1.0 Changelog from Classic rules[]


  • All units move at 2x speed. This lessens the time constraint realities for games between humans.
  • Trade routes are disabled. (Marco Polo's Embassy provides an alternative way to increase trade; see below.)
  • The cost of inciting a city to change hands has been greatly increased.
  • Units attacking with less than a full movement point get penalized because of their tiredness. If they have ⅔ movement points, they will attack with ⅔ strength. If they have ⅓ movement points, they will attack with ⅓ strength.

Wonder changes[]

Almost all Great Wonders are now Small Wonders; that is, they are player-unique rather than world-unique. Each player may build their own "Oracle", for example. Small Wonders become obsolete when the relevant technology is discovered by the player who owns it (rather than by any player).

  • Unless otherwise noted, Small Wonders affect all of a player's cities on the same continent as the city with the Small Wonder.
  • The Palace is the only Small Wonder that can be moved around by rebuilding it. Other Small Wonders can be rebuilt only if you have lost the Wonder.
  • For the Colossus, Copernicus' Observatory, Great Wall, Hoover Dam, King Richard's Crusade, Oracle, Shakespeare's Theater, and Statue of Liberty, these are the only changes.
  • Other Wonders have been adjusted or completely changed:
    • Apollo Program: Does not reveal the map.
    • A.Smith's Trading Co.: Costs 300 (was 400).
    • Darwin's Voyage: Costs 400 (was 300). Gives only one advance.
    • Eiffel Tower: You get one unit free of shield upkeep per city, instead of "AI love".
    • Great Library: Reduces city corruption by 50%, instead of the tech-parasite effect. Costs 200 (was 300) and never obsoletes (used to be "Electricity").
    • Hanging Gardens: Makes two citizens happy in each city on the same continent.
    • Isaac Newton's College: Costs 400 (was 300). Affects all cities, not just its own city.
    • J.S. Bach's Cathedral: Costs 300 (was 400).
    • Leonardo's Workshop: Costs 300 (was 400). Upgrades two units per turn (was one).
    • Lighthouse: No longer makes sea units veteran (just add +1 movement).
    • Magellan's Expedition: Instead of the +2 move rate, it makes new sea units built on the same continent veteran.
    • Marco Polo's Embassy: Costs 400 (was 200). Instead of giving embassies, it increases trade output by 40% on the continent.
    • Michelangelo's Chapel: Costs 300 (was 400).
    • Pyramids: Instead of giving the granary effect, it allows the city where it is built to rapture grow.
    • SETI Program: Renamed to "The Internet".
    • Sun Tzu's War Academy: Continues to confer veteran bonus but does not increase chance of promotions from battles.
    • Women's Suffrage: Costs 300 (was 600). Affects 2 and 4 citizens under Republic and Democracy respectively (was 1 and 2).

As for the remaining Great Wonders:

  • Cure For Cancer: Costs 400 (was 600), and makes two citizens happy in every city owned by _any_ player who knows "Genetic Engineering".
  • Manhattan Project: No change.
  • United Nations: Instead of unit healing, gives the Senate and anarchy-from-disorder-effect of Democracy to all nations, regardless of government.

Building changes[]

Colosseum: Renamed to "Amphitheater", and cost decreased to 60 (was 70).
Supermarket: Increases farmland tile food output by 100% (was 50%). City center tile remains 50% and is automatically rewarded without farmland.
Police Station: Affects 2 and 4 unhappy citizens under Republic and Democracy respectively (was 1 and 2).

Government changes[]

  • Fundamentalism added.
    • This is similar to the one in the civ2 ruleset, except:
      • Food upkeep for Settlers is 3
      • Free unit upkeep is worth 10 shields in each city
  • Communism gets free upkeep on buildings which have 1 upkeep , similar to A.Smith's Trading Co.
    • this bonus is cumulative: if you possess A.Smith wonder, you also get free upkeep on buildings with 2 upkeep.

Technology changes[]

Philosophy gives a free tech to each player when they research it (not just the first player).
Discovery of Environmentalism knocks 50% off cities' pollution from production. Recycling does not.
Added Fundamentalism from the civ2 ruleset.

Unit changes[]

Caravans and Freight cannot create trade routes.
Caravans cost 30 production (was 50); Freight remain at 50.
Elephants, Crusaders, and Fanatics added from the Civ2 ruleset.

Default settings[]

The ruleset suggests some server setting changes, although these can be overridden. Notably, huts and barbarians are disabled, "fairer" map settings are used, and there are more start-units: 3 Settlers, 3 Workers, 2 Explorers.

See next:[]

Changes in Multiplayer+ 1.1 from Multiplayer 1.0

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