
Freeciv 3.1.4 server settings[]

aifill - Limited number of AI players[]

If set to a positive value, then AI players will be automatically
created or removed to keep the total number of players at this amount.
As more players join, these AI players will be replaced. When set to
zero, all AI players will be removed.

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.

Minimum: 0, Default: 5, Maximum: 500

Value set to 6

airliftingstyle - Airlifting style[]

This setting affects airlifting units between cities. It can be a set
of the following values:
- "Allows units to be airlifted from allied cities" (FROM_ALLIES).
- "Allows units to be airlifted to allied cities" (TO_ALLIES).
- "Unlimited units from source city" (SRC_UNLIMITED): airlifting from
a city doesn't reduce the airlifted counter. It depends on the ruleset
whether this is possible even with zero airlift capacity.
- "Unlimited units to destination city" (DEST_UNLIMITED): airlifting
to a city doesn't reduce the airlifted counter. It depends on the
ruleset whether this is possible even with zero airlift capacity.

Level: Situational.
Category: Military.

Possible values (option can take any number of these):

  • FROM_ALLIES: "Allows units to be airlifted from allied cities"

  • TO_ALLIES: "Allows units to be airlifted to allied cities"

  • SRC_UNLIMITED: "Unlimited units from source city"

  • DEST_UNLIMITED: "Unlimited units to destination city"

Default: empty value

allowtake - Players that users are allowed to take[]

This should be a string of characters, each of which specifies a type
or status of a civilization (player).
Clients will only be permitted to take or observe those players which
match one of the specified letters. This only affects future uses of
the "take" or "observe" commands; it is not retroactive. The
characters and their meanings are:
    o,O = Global observer
    b   = Barbarian players
    d   = Dead players
    a,A = AI players
    h,H = Human players
The first description on this list which matches a player is the one
which applies. Thus 'd' does not include dead barbarians, 'a' does not
include dead AI players, and so on. Upper case letters apply before
the game has started, lower case letters afterwards.
Each character above may be followed by one of the following numbers
to allow or restrict the manner of connection:
(none) = Controller allowed, observers allowed, can displace
connections. (Displacing a connection means that you may take over a
player, even when another user already controls that player.)
     1 = Controller allowed, observers allowed, can't displace
     2 = Controller allowed, no observers allowed, can displace
     3 = Controller allowed, no observers allowed, can't displace
     4 = No controller allowed, observers allowed

Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.

Default: "HAhadOo"

alltemperate - All the map is temperate[]

If this setting is enabled, the temperature will be equivalent
everywhere on the map. As a result, the poles won't be generated.

Level: Rare.
Category: Geological.

Default: disabled

animals - Amount of animals[]

Number of animals initially created on terrains defined for them in
the ruleset (if the ruleset supports it). The server variable's scale
is animals per thousand tiles.

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 20, Maximum: 500

aqueductloss - Percentage food lost when city can't grow[]

If a city would expand, but it can't because it lacks some
prerequisite (traditionally an Aqueduct or Sewer System), this is the
base percentage of its foodbox that is lost each turn; the penalty may
be reduced by buildings or other circumstances, depending on the

Level: Rare.
Category: Economic.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

autoattack - Turn on/off server-side autoattack[]

If set to on, units with moves left will automatically consider
attacking enemy units that move adjacent to them.

Level: Situational.
Category: Military.

Default: disabled

autosaves - Which savegames are generated automatically[]

This setting controls which autosave types get generated:
- "New turn" (TURN): Save when turn begins, once every 'saveturns'
- "Game over" (GAMEOVER): Final save when game ends.
- "No player connections" (QUITIDLE): Save before server restarts due
to lack of players.
- "Server interrupted" (INTERRUPT): Save when server quits due to
- "Timer" (TIMER): Save every 'savefrequency' minutes.

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Possible values (option can take any number of these):

  • TURN: "New turn"

  • GAMEOVER: "Game over"

  • QUITIDLE: "No player connections"

  • INTERRUPT: "Server interrupted"

  • TIMER: "Timer"

Default: "New turn", "Game over", "No player connections", and "Server interrupted" (TURN|GAMEOVER|QUITIDLE|INTERRUPT)

autotoggle - Whether AI-status toggles with connection[]

If enabled, AI status is turned off when a player connects, and on
when a player disconnects.

Level: Situational.
Category: Networking.

Default: disabled

barbarians - Barbarian appearance frequency[]

This setting controls how frequently the barbarians appear in the
game. See also the 'onsetbarbs' setting.

Level: Vital.
Category: Military.

Possible values:

  • DISABLED: "No barbarians"

  • HUTS_ONLY: "Only in huts"

  • NORMAL: "Normal rate of appearance"

  • FREQUENT: "Frequent barbarian uprising"

  • HORDES: "Raging hordes"

Default: "Normal rate of appearance" (NORMAL)

borders - National borders[]

If this is not disabled, then any land tiles around a city or
border-claiming extra (like the classic ruleset's Fortress base) will
be owned by that nation. SEE_INSIDE and EXPAND makes everything inside
a player's borders visible at once. ENABLED will, in some rulesets,
grant the same visibility if certain conditions are met.

Level: Situational.
Category: Military.

Possible values:

  • DISABLED: "Disabled"

  • ENABLED: "Enabled"

  • SEE_INSIDE: "See everything inside borders"

  • EXPAND: "Borders expand to unknown, revealing tiles"

Default: "Enabled" (ENABLED)

caravan_bonus_style - Caravan bonus style[]

The formula for the bonus when a caravan enters a city. CLASSIC
bonuses are proportional to distance and trade of source and
destination with multipliers for overseas and international
destinations. LOGARITHMIC bonuses are proportional to log^2(distance +

Level: Rare.
Category: Economic.

Possible values:

  • CLASSIC: "Classic Freeciv"

  • LOGARITHMIC: "Log^2 N style"

Default: "Classic Freeciv" (CLASSIC)

citymindist - Minimum distance between cities[]

When a player attempts to found a new city, it is prevented if the
distance from any existing city is less than this setting. For
example, when this setting is 3, there must be at least two clear
tiles in any direction between all existing cities and the new city
site. A value of 1 removes any such restriction on city placement.

Level: Situational.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: 1, Default: 2, Maximum: 11

Value set to 3

citynames - Allowed city names[]

- "No restrictions" (NO_RESTRICTIONS): players can have multiple
cities with the same names.
- "Unique to a player" (PLAYER_UNIQUE): one player can't have multiple
cities with the same name.
- "Globally unique" (GLOBAL_UNIQUE): all cities in a game have to have
different names.
- "No city name stealing" (NO_STEALING): like "Globally unique", but a
player isn't allowed to use a default city name of another nation
unless it is a default for their nation also.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Possible values:

  • NO_RESTRICTIONS: "No restrictions"

  • PLAYER_UNIQUE: "Unique to a player"

  • GLOBAL_UNIQUE: "Globally unique"

  • NO_STEALING: "No city name stealing"

Default: "Unique to a player" (PLAYER_UNIQUE)

civilwarsize - Minimum number of cities for civil war[]

A civil war is triggered when a player has at least this many cities
and the player's capital is captured. If this option is set to the
maximum value, civil wars are turned off altogether.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: 2, Default: 10, Maximum: 1000

compress - Savegame compression level[]

If non-zero, saved games will be compressed depending on the
'compresstype' setting. Larger values will give better compression but
take longer.

Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Minimum: 1, Default: 6, Maximum: 9

compresstype - Savegame compression algorithm[]

Compression library to use for savegames.

Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Possible values:

  • PLAIN: "No compression"

  • LIBZ: "Using zlib (gzip format)"

  • BZIP2: "Using bzip2 (deprecated)"

  • XZ: "Using xz"

  • ZSTD: "Using zstd"

Default: "Using xz" (XZ)

conquercost - Penalty when getting tech from conquering[]

For each technology you gain by conquering an enemy city, you lose
research points equal to this percentage of the cost to research a new
technology. If this is non-zero, you can end up with negative research

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

contactturns - Turns until player contact is lost[]

Players may meet for diplomacy this number of turns after their units
have last met, even when they do not have an embassy. If set to zero,
then players cannot meet unless they have an embassy.

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Minimum: 0, Default: 20, Maximum: 100

demography - What is in the Demographics report[]

This should be a string of characters, each of which specifies the
inclusion of a line of information in the Demographics report.
The characters and their meanings are:
    N = include Population
    P = include Production
    A = include Land Area
    L = include Literacy
    R = include Research Speed
    S = include Settled Area
    E = include Economics
    M = include Military Service
    O = include Pollution
    C = include Culture
Additionally, the following characters control whether or not certain
columns are displayed in the report:
    q = display "quantity" column
    r = display "rank" column
    b = display "best nation" column
The order of characters is not significant, but their capitalization

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.

Default: "NASRLPEMOCqrb"

diplbulbcost - Penalty when getting tech from treaty[]

For each technology you gain from a diplomatic treaty, you lose
research points equal to this percentage of the cost to research a new
technology. If this is non-zero, you can end up with negative research

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

diplchance - Base chance for diplomats and spies to succeed[]

The base chance of a spy returning from a successful mission and the
base chance of success for diplomats and spies for most aggressive
mission types. Not all the mission types use diplchance as a base
chance – a ruleset can even say that no action at all does. Unit
Bribing, and Unit Sabotaging never do. Non-aggressive missions
typically have no base chance at all, but always success.

Level: Situational.
Category: Military.

Minimum: 40, Default: 80, Maximum: 100

diplgoldcost - Penalty when getting gold from treaty[]

When transferring gold in diplomatic treaties, this percentage of the
agreed sum is lost to both parties; it is deducted from the donor but
not received by the recipient.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

diplomacy - Ability to do diplomacy with other players[]

This setting controls the ability to do diplomacy with other players.

Level: Situational.
Category: Military.

Possible values:

  • ALL: "Enabled for everyone"

  • HUMAN: "Only allowed between human players"

  • AI: "Only allowed between AI players"

  • NOAI: "Only allowed when human involved"

  • NOMIXED: "Only allowed between two humans, or two AI players"

  • TEAM: "Restricted to teams"

  • DISABLED: "Disabled for everyone"

Default: "Enabled for everyone" (ALL)

disasters - Frequency of disasters[]

Affects how often random disasters happen to cities, if any are
defined by the ruleset. The relative frequency of disaster types is
set by the ruleset. Zero prevents any random disasters from occurring.

Level: Vital.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 10, Maximum: 1000

dispersion - Area where initial units are located[]

This is the radius within which the initial units are dispersed.

Level: Situational.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 10

ec_chat - Save chat messages in the event cache[]

If turned on, chat messages will be saved in the event cache.

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.

Default: enabled

ec_info - Print turn and time for each cached event[]

If turned on, all cached events will be marked by the turn and time of
the event like '(T2 - 15:29:52)'.

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.

Default: disabled

ec_max_size - Size of the event cache[]

This defines the maximal number of events in the event cache.

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.

Minimum: 10, Default: 256, Maximum: 20000

ec_turns - Event cache for this number of turns[]

Event messages are saved for this number of turns. A value of 0
deactivates the event cache.

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.

Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 32768

endspaceship - Should the game end if the spaceship arrives?[]

If this option is turned on, the game will end with the arrival of a
spaceship at Alpha Centauri.

Level: Vital.
Category: Scientific.

Default: enabled

endturn - Turn the game ends[]

The game will end at the end of the given turn.

Level: Vital.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: 1, Default: 5000, Maximum: 32767

first_timeout - First turn timeout[]

If greater than 0, T1 will last for 'first_timeout' seconds.
If set to 0, T1 will not have a timeout.
If set to -1, the special treatment of T1 will be disabled.
See also 'timeout'.

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.

Minimum: -1, Default: -1, Maximum: 8639999

fixedlength - Fixed-length turns play mode[]

If this is turned on the game turn will not advance until the timeout
has expired, even after all players have clicked on "Turn Done".

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.

Default: disabled

flatpoles - How much the land at the poles is flattened[]

Controls how much the height of the poles is flattened during map
generation, preventing a diversity of land terrain there. 0 is no
flattening, 100 is maximum flattening. Only affects the 'RANDOM' and
'FRACTAL' map generators.

Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 100, Maximum: 100

Value set to 0

foggedborders - Whether fog of war applies to border changes[]

If this setting is enabled, players will not be able to see changes in
tile ownership if they do not have direct sight of the affected tiles.
Otherwise, players can see any or all changes to borders as long as
they have previously seen the tiles.

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Default: disabled

Value set to enabled

fogofwar - Whether to enable fog of war[]

If this is enabled, only those units and cities within the vision
range of your own units and cities will be revealed to you. You will
not see new cities or terrain changes in tiles not observed.

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Default: enabled

foodbox - Food required for a city to grow[]

This is the base amount of food required to grow a city. This value is
multiplied by another factor that comes from the ruleset and is
dependent on the size of the city.

Level: Situational.
Category: Economic.

Minimum: 1, Default: 100, Maximum: 10000

freecost - Penalty when getting a free tech[]

For each technology you gain "for free" (other than covered by
'diplcost' or 'conquercost': for instance, from huts or from Great
Library effects), you lose research points equal to this percentage of
the cost to research a new technology. If this is non-zero, you can
end up with negative research points.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

fulltradesize - Minimum city size to get full trade[]

There is a trade penalty in all cities smaller than this. The penalty
is 100% (no trade at all) for sizes up to 'notradesize', and decreases
gradually to 0% (no penalty except the normal corruption) for
size='fulltradesize'. See also 'notradesize'.

Level: Rare.
Category: Economic.

Minimum: 1, Default: 1, Maximum: 50

gameseed - Game random seed[]

For zero (the default) a seed will be chosen based on system entropy
or, failing that, the current time.

Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 2147483647

generator - Method used to generate map[]

Specifies the algorithm used to generate the map. If the default value
of the 'startpos' option is used, then the chosen generator chooses an
appropriate 'startpos' setting; otherwise, the generated map tries to
accommodate the chosen 'startpos' setting.
- "Scenario map" (SCENARIO): indicates a pre-generated map. By
default, if the scenario does not specify start positions, they will
be allocated depending on the size of continents.
- "Fully random height" (RANDOM): generates maps with a number of
equally spaced, relatively small islands. By default, start positions
are allocated depending on continent size.
- "Pseudo-fractal height" (FRACTAL): generates Earthlike worlds with
one or more large continents and a scattering of smaller islands. By
default, players are all placed on a single continent.
- "Island-based" (ISLAND): generates 'fair' maps with a number of
similarly-sized and -shaped islands, each with approximately the same
ratios of terrain types. By default, each player gets their own
- "Fair islands" (FAIR): generates the exact copy of the same island
for every player or every team.
- "Fracture map" (FRACTURE): generates maps from a fracture pattern.
Tends to place hills and mountains along the edges of the continents.
If the requested generator is incompatible with other server settings,
the server may fall back to another generator.

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Possible values:

  • SCENARIO: "Scenario map"

  • RANDOM: "Fully random height"

  • FRACTAL: "Pseudo-fractal height"

  • ISLAND: "Island-based"

  • FAIR: "Fair islands"

  • FRACTURE: "Fracture map"

Default: "Fully random height" (RANDOM)

Value set to "Pseudo-fractal height" (FRACTAL)

globalwarming - Global warming[]

If turned off, global warming will not occur as a result of pollution.
This setting does not affect pollution.

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Default: enabled

globalwarming_percent - Global warming percent[]

This is a multiplier for the rate of accumulation of global warming.

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 1, Default: 100, Maximum: 10000

gold - Starting gold per player[]

At the beginning of the game, each player is given this much gold.

Level: Vital.
Category: Economic.

Minimum: 0, Default: 50, Maximum: 50000

happyborders - Units inside borders cause no unhappiness[]

If this is set, units will not cause unhappiness when inside your
borders, or even allies borders, depending on value.

Level: Situational.
Category: Military.

Possible values:

  • DISABLED: "Borders are not helping"

  • NATIONAL: "Happy within own borders"

  • ALLIED: "Happy within allied borders"

Default: "Happy within own borders" (NATIONAL)

homecaughtunits - Give caught units a homecity[]

If unset, caught units will have no homecity and will be subject to
the 'killunhomed' option.

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Default: enabled

huts - Amount of huts (bonus extras)[]

Huts are tile extras that usually may be investigated by units. The
server variable's scale is huts per thousand tiles.

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 15, Maximum: 500

incite_gold_capt_chance - Probability of gold capture during inciting revolt[]

When unit trying to incite revolt is eliminated and lose its gold,
there is chance that this gold would be captured by city defender.
Transfer tax would be applied, though. This setting is irrelevant, if
incite_gold_loss_chance is zero.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

incite_gold_loss_chance - Probability of gold loss during inciting revolt[]

When unit trying to incite revolt is eliminated, half of the gold (or
quarter, if unit was caught), prepared to bribe citizens, can be lost
or captured by enemy.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

infrapoints - Starting infrapoints per player[]

At the beginning of the game, each player is given this many

Level: Vital.
Category: Economic.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 50000

iphide - Keep client IP hidden[]

Don't tell client IP address to other clients. Server operator can
still see it. Also, changing this setting cannot do anything to the
information already sent before.

Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.
Can only be used in server console.

Default: disabled

kicktime - Time before a kicked user can reconnect[]

Gives the time in seconds before a user kicked using the "kick"
command may reconnect. Changing this setting will affect users kicked
in the past.

Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.
Can only be used in server console.

Minimum: 0, Default: 1800, Maximum: 86400

killcitizen - Reduce city population after attack[]

This flag indicates whether a city's population is reduced after a
successful attack by an enemy unit. If this is disabled, population is
never reduced. Even when this is enabled, only some units may kill

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Default: enabled

killstack - Do all units in tile die with defender[]

If this is enabled, each time a defender unit loses in combat, and is
not inside a city or suitable base, all units in the same tile are
destroyed along with the defender. If this is disabled, only the
defender unit is destroyed.

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Default: enabled

killunhomed - Slowly kill units without home cities (e.g., starting units)[]

If greater than 0, then every unit without a homecity will lose
hitpoints each turn. The number of hitpoints lost is given by
'killunhomed' percent of the hitpoints of the unit type. At least one
hitpoint is lost every turn until the death of the unit.

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

landmass - Percentage of the map that is land[]

This setting gives the approximate percentage of the map that will be
made into land.

Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 15, Default: 30, Maximum: 85

mapseed - Map generation random seed[]

The same seed will always produce the same map; for zero (the default)
a seed will be generated randomly, based on gameseed. If also gameseed
is zero, the map will be completely random.

Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 2147483647

mapsize - Map size definition[]

Chooses the method used to define the map size. Other options specify
the parameters for each method.
- "Number of tiles" (FULLSIZE): Map area (option 'size').
- "Tiles per player" (PLAYER): Number of (land) tiles per player
(option 'tilesperplayer').
- "Width and height" (XYSIZE): Map width and height in tiles (options
'xsize' and 'ysize').

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Possible values:

  • FULLSIZE: "Number of tiles"

  • PLAYER: "Tiles per player"

  • XYSIZE: "Width and height"

Default: "Number of tiles" (FULLSIZE)

Value set to "Tiles per player" (PLAYER)

maxconnectionsperhost - Maximum number of connections to the server per host[]

New connections from a given host will be rejected if the total number
of connections from the very same host equals or exceeds this value. A
value of 0 means that there is no limit, at least up to the maximum
number of connections supported by the server.

Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.

Minimum: 0, Default: 4, Maximum: 1024

maxplayers - Maximum number of players[]

The maximal number of human and AI players who can be in the game.
When this number of players are connected in the pregame state, any
new players who try to connect will be rejected.
When playing a scenario which defines player start positions, this
setting cannot be set to greater than the number of defined start

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.

Minimum: 1, Default: 500, Maximum: 500

metamessage - Metaserver info line[]

User defined metaserver info line. For most of the time a user defined
metamessage will be used instead of an automatically generated
message. Set to empty ("", not "empty") to always use an automatically
generated meta server message.

Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.

Default: ""

mgr_distance - Maximum distance citizens may migrate[]

This setting controls how far citizens may look for a suitable
migration destination when deciding which city to migrate to. The
value is added to the candidate target city's radius and compared to
the distance between the two cities. If the distance is lower or
equal, migration is possible. (So with a setting of 0, citizens will
only consider migrating if their city's center is within the
destination city's working radius.) This setting has no effect unless
migration is enabled by the 'migration' setting.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: -5, Default: 0, Maximum: 6

mgr_foodneeded - Whether migration is limited by food[]

If this setting is enabled, citizens will not migrate to cities which
would not have enough food to support them. This setting has no effect
unless migration is enabled by the 'migration' setting.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Default: enabled

mgr_nationchance - Percent probability for migration within the same nation[]

This setting controls how likely it is for citizens to migrate between
cities owned by the same player. Zero indicates migration will never
occur, 100 means that migration will always occur if the citizens find
a suitable destination. This setting has no effect unless migration is
activated by the 'migration' setting.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 50, Maximum: 100

mgr_turninterval - Number of turns between migrations from a city[]

This setting controls the number of turns between migration checks for
a given city. The interval is calculated from the founding turn of the
city. So for example if this setting is 5, citizens will look for a
suitable migration destination every five turns from the founding of
their current city. Migration will never occur the same turn that a
city is built. This setting has no effect unless migration is enabled
by the 'migration' setting.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: 1, Default: 5, Maximum: 100

mgr_worldchance - Percent probability for migration between foreign cities[]

This setting controls how likely it is for migration to occur between
cities owned by different players. Zero indicates migration will never
occur, 100 means that citizens will always migrate if they find a
suitable destination. This setting has no effect if migration is not
enabled by the 'migration' setting.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 10, Maximum: 100

migration - Whether to enable citizen migration[]

This is the master setting that controls whether citizen migration is
active in the game. If enabled, citizens may automatically move from
less desirable cities to more desirable ones. The "desirability" of a
given city is calculated from a number of factors. In general larger
cities with more income and improvements will be preferred. Citizens
will never migrate out of the capital, or cause a wonder to be lost by
disbanding a city. A number of other settings control how migration
  'mgr_turninterval' - How often citizens try to migrate.
  'mgr_foodneeded'   - Whether destination food is checked.
  'mgr_distance'     - How far citizens will migrate.
  'mgr_worldchance'  - Chance for inter-nation migration.
  'mgr_nationchance' - Chance for intra-nation migration.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Default: disabled

minplayers - Minimum number of players[]

There must be at least this many players (connected human players)
before the game can start.

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.

Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 500

multiresearch - Allow researching multiple technologies[]

Allows switching to any technology without wasting old research. Bulbs
are never transferred to new technology. Techpenalty options are
ineffective after enabling that option.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Default: disabled

nationset - Set of nations to choose from[]

Controls the set of nations allowed in the game. The choices are
defined by the ruleset.
Only nations in the set selected here will be allowed in any
circumstances, including new players and civil war; small sets may
thus limit the number of players in a game.
If this is left blank, the ruleset's default nation set is used.
See '/list nationsets' for possible choices for the currently loaded

Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.

Default: ""

naturalcitynames - Whether to use natural city names[]

If enabled, the default city names will be determined based on the
surrounding terrain.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Default: enabled

nettimeout - Seconds to let a client's network connection block[]

If a network connection is blocking for a time greater than this
value, then the connection is closed. Zero means there is no timeout
(although connections will be automatically disconnected eventually).

Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.

Minimum: 0, Default: 10, Maximum: 120

netwait - Max seconds for network buffers to drain[]

The server will wait for up to the value of this parameter in seconds,
for all client connection network buffers to unblock. Zero means the
server will not wait at all.

Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.

Minimum: 0, Default: 4, Maximum: 20

notradesize - Maximum size of a city without trade[]

Cities do not produce any trade at all unless their size is larger
than this amount. The produced trade increases gradually for cities
larger than 'notradesize' and smaller than 'fulltradesize'. See also

Level: Rare.
Category: Economic.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 49

nuclearwinter - Nuclear winter[]

If turned off, nuclear winter will not occur as a result of nuclear

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Default: enabled

nuclearwinter_percent - Nuclear winter percent[]

This is a multiplier for the rate of accumulation of nuclear winter.

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 1, Default: 100, Maximum: 10000

occupychance - Chance of moving into tile after attack[]

If set to 0, combat is Civ1/2-style (when you attack, you remain in
place). If set to 100, attacking units will always move into the tile
they attacked when they win the combat (and no enemy units remain in
the tile). If set to a value between 0 and 100, this will be used as
the percent chance of "occupying" territory.

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

Value set to 100

onsetbarbs - Barbarian onset turn[]

Barbarians will not appear before this turn.

Level: Vital.
Category: Military.

Minimum: 1, Default: 60, Maximum: 32767

Value set to 120

persistentready - When the Readiness of a player gets autotoggled off[]

In pre-game, usually when new players join or old ones leave, those
who have already accepted game to start by toggling "Ready" get that
autotoggled off in the changed situation. This setting can be used to
make readiness more persistent.

Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.

Possible values:

  • DISABLED: "Disabled"

  • CONNECTED: "As long as connected"

Default: "Disabled" (DISABLED)

phasemode - Control of simultaneous player/team phases[]

This setting controls whether players may make moves at the same time
during a turn. Change in setting takes effect next turn.

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.

Possible values:

  • ALL: "All players move concurrently"

  • PLAYER: "All players alternate movement"

  • TEAM: "Team alternate movement"

Default: "All players move concurrently" (ALL)

pingtime - Seconds between PINGs[]

The server will poll the clients with a PING request each time this
period elapses.

Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.

Minimum: 1, Default: 20, Maximum: 1800

pingtimeout - Time to cut a client[]

If a client doesn't reply to a PING in this time the client is

Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.

Minimum: 60, Default: 60, Maximum: 1800

plrcolormode - How to pick player colors[]

This setting determines how player colors are chosen. Player colors
are used in the Nations report, for national borders on the map, and
so on.
- "Per-player, in order" (PLR_ORDER): colors are assigned to
individual players in order from a list defined by the ruleset.
- "Per-player, random" (PLR_RANDOM): colors are assigned to individual
players randomly from the set defined by the ruleset.
- "Set manually" (PLR_SET): colors can be set with the 'playercolor'
command before the game starts; these are not restricted to the
ruleset colors. Any players for which no color is set when the game
starts get a random color from the ruleset.
- "Per-team, in order" (TEAM_ORDER): colors are assigned to teams from
the list in the ruleset. Every player on the same team gets the same
- "Per-nation, in order" (NATION_ORDER): if the ruleset defines a
color for a player's nation, the player takes that color. Any players
whose nations don't have associated colors get a random color from the
list in the ruleset.
Regardless of this setting, individual player colors can be changed
after the game starts with the 'playercolor' command.

Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.

Possible values:

  • PLR_ORDER: "Per-player, in order"

  • PLR_RANDOM: "Per-player, random"

  • PLR_SET: "Set manually"

  • TEAM_ORDER: "Per-team, in order"

  • NATION_ORDER: "Per-nation, in order"

Default: "Per-player, in order" (PLR_ORDER)

rapturedelay - Number of turns between rapture effect[]

Sets the number of turns between rapture growth of a city. If set to n
a city will grow after celebrating for n+1 turns.

Level: Situational.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: 1, Default: 1, Maximum: 99

razechance - Chance for conquered building destruction[]

When a player conquers a city, each city improvement has this
percentage chance to be destroyed.

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Minimum: 0, Default: 20, Maximum: 100

Value set to 10

restrictinfra - Restrict the use of the infrastructure for enemy units[]

If this option is enabled, the use of roads and rails will be
restricted for enemy units.

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Default: disabled

Value set to enabled

revealmap - Reveal the map[]

If "Reveal map at game start" (START) is set, the initial state of the
entire map will be known to all players from the start of the game,
although it may still be fogged (depending on the 'fogofwar' setting).
If "Unfog map for dead players" (DEAD) is set, dead players can see
the entire map, if they are alone in their team.

Level: Situational.
Category: Military.

Possible values (option can take any number of these):

  • START: "Reveal map at game start"

  • DEAD: "Unfog map for dead players"

Default: empty value

revolen - Length of revolution[]

When changing governments, a period of anarchy will occur. Value of
this setting, used the way 'revolentype' setting dictates, defines the
length of the anarchy.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Minimum: 1, Default: 5, Maximum: 20

revolentype - Way to determine revolution length[]

Which method is used in determining how long period of anarchy lasts
when changing government. The actual value is set with 'revolen'
setting. The 'quickening' methods depend on how many times any player
has changed to this type of government before, so it becomes easier to
establish a new system of government if it has been done before.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Possible values:

  • FIXED: "Fixed to 'revolen' turns"

  • RANDOM: "Randomly 1-'revolen' turns"

  • QUICKENING: "First time 'revolen', then always quicker"

  • RANDQUICK: "Random, max always quicker"

Default: "Randomly 1-'revolen' turns" (RANDOM)

Value set to "Random, max always quicker" (RANDQUICK)

savefrequency - Minutes per auto-save[]

How many minutes elapse between automatic game saves. Unlike other
save types, this save is only meant as backup for computer memory, and
it always uses the same name, older saves are not kept. This setting
only has an effect when the 'autosaves' setting includes "Timer".

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Minimum: 2, Default: 15, Maximum: 1440

savename - Definition of the save file name[]

Within the string the following custom formats are allowed:
  %R = <reason>
  %S = <suffix>
  %T = <turn-number>
  %Y = <game-year>

Example: 'freeciv-T%04T-Y%+05Y-%R' => 'freeciv-T0100-Y00001-manual'

Be careful to use at least one of %T and %Y, else newer savegames will
overwrite old ones. If none of the formats is used '-T%04T-Y%05Y-%R'
is appended to the value of 'savename'.

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Default: "freeciv"

savepalace - Rebuild palace whenever capital is conquered[]

If this is turned on, when the capital is conquered the palace is
automatically rebuilt for free in another randomly chosen city. This
is significant because the technology requirement for building a
palace will be ignored. (In some rulesets, buildings other than the
palace are affected by this setting.)

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Default: enabled

saveturns - Turns per auto-save[]

How many turns elapse between automatic game saves. This setting only
has an effect when the 'autosaves' setting includes "New turn".

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Minimum: 1, Default: 1, Maximum: 200

sciencebox - Technology cost multiplier percentage[]

This affects how quickly players can research new technology. All tech
costs are multiplied by this amount (as a percentage). The base tech
costs are determined by the ruleset or other game settings.

Level: Situational.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 1, Default: 100, Maximum: 10000

scorefile - Name for the score log file[]

The default name for the score log file is 'freeciv-score.log'.

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Default: "freeciv-score.log"

scorelog - Whether to log player statistics[]

If this is turned on, player statistics are appended to the file
defined by the option 'scorefile' every turn. These statistics can be
used to create power graphs after the game.

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Default: disabled

scoreloglevel - Scorelog level[]

Whether scores are logged for all players including AIs, or only for
human players.

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Possible values:

  • ALL: "All players"

  • HUMANS: "Human players only"

Default: "All players" (ALL)

separatepoles - Whether the poles are separate continents[]

If this setting is disabled, the continents may attach to poles.

Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.

Default: enabled

shieldbox - Multiplier percentage for production costs[]

This affects how quickly units and buildings can be produced.  The
base costs are multiplied by this value (as a percentage).

Level: Situational.
Category: Economic.

Minimum: 1, Default: 100, Maximum: 10000

singlepole - Whether there's just one pole generated[]

If this setting is enabled, only one side of the map will have a pole.
This setting has no effect if the map wraps both directions.

Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.

Default: disabled

size - Map area (in thousands of tiles)[]

This value is used to determine the map area.
  size = 4 is a normal map of 4,000 tiles (default)
  size = 20 is a huge map of 20,000 tiles
For this option to take effect, the "Map size definition" option
('mapsize') must be set to "Number of tiles" (FULLSIZE).

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 4, Maximum: 2048

spaceship_travel_time - Percentage to multiply spaceship travel time by[]

This percentage is multiplied onto the time it will take for a
spaceship to arrive at Alpha Centauri.

Level: Vital.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 50, Default: 100, Maximum: 1000

specials - Amount of "special" resource tiles[]

Special resources improve the basic terrain type they are on. The
server variable's scale is parts per thousand.

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 250, Maximum: 1000

startcity - Whether player starts with a city[]

If this is set, game will start with player's first city already
founded to starting location.

Level: Vital.
Category: Sociological.

Default: disabled

startpos - Method used to choose start positions[]

The method used to choose where each player's initial units start on
the map. (For scenarios which include pre-set start positions, this
setting is ignored.)
- "Generator's choice" (DEFAULT): the start position placement will
depend on the map generator chosen. See the 'generator' setting.
- "One player per continent" (SINGLE): one player is placed on each of
a set of continents of approximately equivalent value (if possible).
- "Two or three players per continent" (2or3): similar to SINGLE
except that two players will be placed on each continent, with three
on the 'best' continent if there is an odd number of players.
- "All players on a single continent" (ALL): all players will start on
the 'best' available continent.
- "Depending on size of continents" (VARIABLE): players will be placed
on the 'best' available continents such that, as far as possible, the
number of players on each continent is proportional to its value.
If the server cannot satisfy the requested setting due to there being
too many players for continents, it may fall back to one of the
others. (However, map generators try to create the right number of
continents for the choice of this 'startpos' setting and the number of
players, so this is unlikely to occur.)

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Possible values:

  • DEFAULT: "Generator's choice"

  • SINGLE: "One player per continent"

  • 2or3: "Two or three players per continent"

  • ALL: "All players on a single continent"

  • VARIABLE: "Depending on size of continents"

Default: "Generator's choice" (DEFAULT)

startunits - List of players' initial units[]

This should be a string of characters, each of which specifies a unit
role. The first character must be native to at least one "Starter"
terrain. The characters and their meanings are:
    c   = City founder (eg., Settlers)
    w   = Terrain worker (eg., Engineers)
    x   = Explorer (eg., Explorer)
    k   = Gameloss (eg., King)
    s   = Diplomat (eg., Diplomat)
    f   = Ferryboat (eg., Trireme)
    d   = Ok defense unit (eg., Warriors)
    D   = Good defense unit (eg., Phalanx)
    a   = Fast attack unit (eg., Horsemen)
    A   = Strong attack unit (eg., Catapult)

Level: Vital.
Category: Sociological.

Default: "ccwwx"

Value set to "cwsx"

steepness - Amount of hills/mountains[]

Small values give flat maps, while higher values give a steeper map
with more hills and mountains.

Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 30, Maximum: 100

team_pooled_research - Team pooled research[]

If this setting is turned on, then the team mates will share the
science research. Else, every player of the team will have to make its

Level: Vital.
Category: Scientific.

Default: enabled

teamplacement - Method used for placement of team mates[]

After start positions have been generated thanks to the 'startpos'
setting, this setting controls how the start positions will be
assigned to the different players of the same team.
- "Disabled" (DISABLED): the start positions will be randomly assigned
to players, regardless of teams.
- "As close as possible" (CLOSEST): players will be placed as close as
possible, regardless of continents.
- "On the same continent" (CONTINENT): if possible, place all players
of the same team onto the same island/continent.
- "Horizontal placement" (HORIZONTAL): players of the same team will
be placed horizontally.
- "Vertical placement" (VERTICAL): players of the same team will be
placed vertically.

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Possible values:

  • DISABLED: "Disabled"

  • CLOSEST: "As close as possible"

  • CONTINENT: "On the same continent"

  • HORIZONTAL: "Horizontal placement"

  • VERTICAL: "Vertical placement"

Default: "As close as possible" (CLOSEST)

techleak - Tech leakage percent[]

The rate of the tech leakage. This multiplied by the percentage of
players who know the tech tell which percentage of tech's bulb cost
gets leaked each turn. This setting has no effect if the ruleset has
disabled tech leakage.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 100, Maximum: 300

techlevel - Number of initial techs per player[]

At the beginning of the game, each player is given this many
technologies. The technologies chosen are random for each player.
Depending on the value of tech_cost_style in the ruleset, a big value
for 'techlevel' can make the next techs really expensive.

Level: Vital.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

Value set to 1

techlossforgiveness - Research point debt threshold for losing tech[]

When you have negative research points, and your shortfall is greater
than this percentage of the cost of your current research, you forget
a technology you already knew.
The special value -1 prevents loss of technology regardless of
research points.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: -1, Default: -1, Maximum: 200

Value set to 0

techlossrestore - Research points restored after losing a tech[]

When you lose a technology due to a negative research balance (see
'techlossforgiveness'), this percentage of its research cost is
credited to your research balance (this may not be sufficient to make
it positive).
The special value -1 means that your research balance is always
restored to zero, regardless of your previous shortfall.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: -1, Default: 50, Maximum: 100

techlost_donor - Chance to lose a technology while giving it[]

The chance that your civilization will lose a technology if you teach
it to someone else by treaty, or if it is stolen from you.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

techlost_recv - Chance to lose a technology while receiving it[]

The chance that learning a technology by treaty or theft will fail.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100

techpenalty - Percentage penalty when changing tech[]

If you change your current research technology, and you have positive
research points, you lose this percentage of those research points.
This does not apply when you have just gained a technology this turn.

Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.

Minimum: 0, Default: 100, Maximum: 100

temperature - Average temperature of the planet[]

Small values will give a cold map, while larger values will give a
hotter map.

100 means a very dry and hot planet with no polar arctic zones, only
tropical and dry zones.
 70 means a hot planet with little polar ice.
 50 means a temperate planet with normal polar, cold, temperate, and
tropical zones; a desert zone overlaps tropical and temperate zones.
 30 means a cold planet with small tropical zones.
  0 means a very cold planet with large polar zones and no tropics.

Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 50, Maximum: 100

Value set to 60

threaded_save - Whether to do saving in separate thread[]

If this is turned in, compressing and saving the actual file
containing the game situation takes place in the background while game
otherwise continues. This way users are not required to wait for the
save to finish.

Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console.

Default: disabled

tilesperplayer - Number of (land) tiles per player[]

This value is used to determine the map dimensions. It calculates the
map size at game start based on the number of players and the value of
the setting 'landmass'.
For this option to take effect, the "Map size definition" option
('mapsize') must be set to "Tiles per player" (PLAYER).

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 1, Default: 100, Maximum: 1000

timeaddenemymove - Timeout at least n seconds when enemy moved[]

Any time a unit moves while in sight of an enemy player, the remaining
timeout is increased to this value.

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 8639999

timeout - Maximum seconds per turn[]

If all players have not hit "Turn Done" before this time is up, then
the turn ends automatically. Zero means there is no timeout. In
servers compiled with debugging, a timeout of -1 sets the autogame
test mode. Only connections with hack level access may set the timeout
to fewer than 30 seconds. Use this with the command "timeoutincrease"
to have a dynamic timer. The first turn is treated as a special case
and is controlled by the 'first_timeout' setting.

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.

Minimum: -1, Default: 0, Maximum: 8639999

tinyisles - Presence of 1x1 islands[]

This setting controls whether the map generator is allowed to make
islands of one only tile size.

Level: Rare.
Category: Geological.

Default: disabled

Value set to enabled

topology - Map topology[]

Freeciv maps are always two-dimensional. They may wrap at the
north-south and east-west directions to form a flat map, a cylinder,
or a torus (donut). Individual tiles may be rectangular or hexagonal,
with either an overhead ("classic") or isometric alignment.
To play with a particular topology, clients will need a matching
Overhead rectangular:      Isometric rectangular:
      _________               /\/\/\/\/\
     |_|_|_|_|_|             /\/\/\/\/\/
     |_|_|_|_|_|             \/\/\/\/\/\
     |_|_|_|_|_|             /\/\/\/\/\/
Hex:                       Iso-hex:
  /\/\/\/\/\/\               _   _   _   _   _
  | | | | | | |             / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \
  \/\/\/\/\/\/\             \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
   | | | | | | |            / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \
   \/\/\/\/\/\/             \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Possible values (option can take any number of these):

  • WRAPX: "Wrap East-West"

  • WRAPY: "Wrap North-South"

  • ISO: "Isometric"

  • HEX: "Hexagonal"

Default: "Wrap East-West", "Isometric", and "Hexagonal" (WRAPX|ISO|HEX)

Value set to "Wrap East-West", "Wrap North-South", "Isometric", and "Hexagonal" (WRAPX|WRAPY|ISO|HEX)

trade_revenue_style - Trade revenue style[]

The formula for the trade a city receives from a trade route. CLASSIC
revenues are given by the sum of the two city sizes plus the distance
between them, with multipliers for overseas and international routes.
SIMPLE revenues are proportional to the average trade of the two

Level: Rare.
Category: Economic.

Possible values:

  • CLASSIC: "Classic Freeciv"

  • SIMPLE: "Proportional to tile trade"

Default: "Classic Freeciv" (CLASSIC)

trademindist - Minimum distance for trade routes[]

In order for two cities in the same civilization to establish a trade
route, they must be at least this far apart on the map. For square
grids, the distance is calculated as "Manhattan distance", that is,
the sum of the displacements along the x and y directions.

Level: Rare.
Category: Economic.

Minimum: 1, Default: 9, Maximum: 999

tradeworldrelpct - How largely trade distance is relative to world size[]

When determining trade between cities, the distance factor can be
partly or fully relative to world size. This setting determines how
big percentage of the bonus calculation is relative to world size, and
how much only absolute distance matters.

Level: Rare.
Category: Economic.

Minimum: 0, Default: 50, Maximum: 100

Value set to 100

trading_city - City trading[]

If turned off, trading cities in the diplomacy dialog is not allowed.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Default: enabled

trading_gold - Gold trading[]

If turned off, trading gold in the diplomacy dialog is not allowed.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Default: enabled

trading_tech - Technology trading[]

If turned off, trading technologies in the diplomacy dialog is not

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Default: enabled

traitdistribution - AI trait distribution method[]

How trait values are given to AI players.

Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.

Possible values:

  • FIXED: "Fixed"

  • EVEN: "Even"

Default: "Fixed" (FIXED)

turnblock - Turn-blocking game play mode[]

If this is turned on, the game turn is not advanced until all players
have finished their turn, including disconnected players.

Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.

Default: enabled

unitwaittime - Minimum time between unit actions over turn change[]

This setting gives the minimum amount of time in seconds between unit
moves and other significant actions (such as building cities) after a
turn change occurs. For example, if this setting is set to 20 and a
unit moves 5 seconds before the turn change, it will not be able to
move or act in the next turn for at least 15 seconds. This value is
limited to a maximum value of 2/3 'timeout'.

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.

Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 8639999

unreachableprotects - Does unreachable unit protect reachable ones[]

This option controls whether tiles with both unreachable and reachable
units can be attacked. If disabled, any tile with reachable units can
be attacked. If enabled, tiles with an unreachable unit in them cannot
be attacked. Some units in some rulesets may override this, never
protecting reachable units on their tile.

Level: Rare.
Category: Military.

Default: enabled

Value set to disabled

victories - What kinds of victories are possible[]

This setting controls how game can be won. One can always win by
conquering entire planet, but other victory conditions can be enabled
or disabled:
- "Spacerace" (SPACERACE): Spaceship is built and travels to Alpha
- "Allied" (ALLIED): After defeating enemies, all remaining players
are allied.
- "Culture" (CULTURE): Player meets ruleset defined cultural
domination criteria.

Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.

Possible values (option can take any number of these):

  • SPACERACE: "Spacerace"

  • ALLIED: "Allied victory"

  • CULTURE: "Culture victory"

Default: "Spacerace" and "Allied victory" (SPACERACE|ALLIED)

wetness - Amount of water on landmasses[]

Small values mean lots of dry, desert-like land; higher values give a
wetter map with more swamps, jungles, and rivers.

Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 0, Default: 50, Maximum: 100

xsize - Map width in tiles[]

Defines the map width.
For this option to take effect, the "Map size definition" option
('mapsize') must be set to "Width and height" (XYSIZE).

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 16, Default: 64, Maximum: 128000

ysize - Map height in tiles[]

Defines the map height.
For this option to take effect, the "Map size definition" option
('mapsize') must be set to "Width and height" (XYSIZE).

Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.

Minimum: 16, Default: 64, Maximum: 128000
