start - Start the game, or restart after loading a savegame.[]
Synopsis: |
start |
Level: ctrl
This command starts the game. When starting a new game, it should be used after all human players have connected, and AI players have been created (if required), and any desired changes to initial server options have been made. After 'start', each human player will be able to choose their nation, and then the game will begin. This command is also required after loading a savegame for the game to recommence. Once the game is running this command is no longer available, since it would have no effect.
help - Show help about server commands and server options.[]
Synopsis: |
help help commands help options help <command-name> help <option-name> |
Level: info
With no arguments gives some introductory help. With argument "commands" or "options" gives respectively a list of all commands or all options. Otherwise the argument is taken as a command name or option name, and help is given for that command or option. For options, the help information includes the current and default values for that option. The argument may be abbreviated where unambiguous.
list - Show a list of players or connections.[]
Synopsis: |
list list players list connections |
Level: info
Show a list of players, or a list of connections to the server. The argument may be abbreviated, and defaults to 'players' if absent.
quit - Quit the game and shutdown the server.[]
Synopsis: |
quit |
Level: hack
cut - Cut a client's connection to server.[]
Synopsis: |
cut <connection-name> |
Level: ctrl
Cut specified client's connection to the server, removing that client from the game. If the game has not yet started that client's player is removed from the game, otherwise there is no effect on the player. Note that this command now takes connection names, not player names.
explain - Explain server options.[]
Synopsis: |
explain explain <option-name> |
Level: info
The 'explain' command gives a subset of the functionality of 'help', and is included for backward compatibility. With no arguments it gives a list of options (like 'help options'), and with an argument it gives help for a particular option (like 'help <option-name>').
show - Show server options.[]
Synopsis: |
show show <option-name> show <option-prefix> |
Level: info
With no arguments, shows all server options (or available options, when used by clients). With an argument, show only the named option, or options with that prefix.
score - Show current scores.[]
Synopsis: |
score |
Level: ctrl
For each connected client, pops up a window showing the current player scores.
wall - Send message to all connections.[]
Synopsis: |
wall <message> |
Level: hack
Can not be done during PBEM. For each connected client, pops up a window showing the message entered.
vote - Cast a vote.[]
Synopsis: |
vote yes|no [vote number] |
Level: info
A player with info level access issueing a control level command starts a new vote for given command. /vote followed by "yes" or "no", and optionally a vote number, gives your vote. If you do not add a vote number, your vote applies to the latest command. You can only suggest one vote at a time. Voting concludes after a full turn has passed or more than 50% of the votes have been cast for or against.
debug - Turn on or off AI debugging of given entity.[]
Synopsis: |
debug [ player <player> | city <x> <y> | units <x> <y> | unit <id> ] |
Level: ctrl
Can not be done during multiplayer or PBEM. Print AI debug information about given entity and turn continuous debugging output for this entity on or off.
set - Set server option.[]
Synopsis: |
set <option-name> <value> |
Level: ctrl
team - Change, add or remove a player's team affiliation.[]
Synopsis: |
team <player> [team] |
Level: ctrl
Can not be done during PBEM. Sets a player as member of a team. If no team specified, the player is set teamless. Use "" if names contain whitespace. A team is a group of players that start out allied, with shared vision and embassies, and fight together to achieve team victory with averaged individual scores.
rulesetdir - Choose new ruleset directory or modpack.[]
Synopsis: |
rulesetdir <directory> |
Level: ctrl
Choose new ruleset directory or modpack. Calling this without any arguments will show you the currently selected ruleset.
metainfo - Set metaserver info line.[]
Synopsis: |
metainfo <meta-line> |
Level: ctrl
metaconnection - Control metaserver connection.[]
Synopsis: |
metaconnection u|up metaconnection d|down metaconnection ? |
Level: hack
'metaconnection ?' reports on the status of the connection to metaserver. 'metaconnection down' or 'metac d' brings the metaserver connection down. 'metaconnection up' or 'metac u' brings the metaserver connection up.
metaserver - Set address for metaserver to report to.[]
Synopsis: |
metaserver <address> |
Level: hack
aitoggle - Toggle AI status of player.[]
Synopsis: |
aitoggle <player-name> |
Level: ctrl
Can not be done during PBEM.
take - Take over a player's place in the game.[]
Synopsis: |
take [connection-name] <player-name> |
Level: info
Can not be done during multiplayer or PBEM. Only the console and connections with cmdlevel 'hack' can force other connections to take over a player. If you're not one of these, only the <player-name> argument is allowed.
observe - Observe a player.[]
Synopsis: |
observe [connection-name] <player-name> |
Level: info
Can not be done during multiplayer or PBEM. Only the console and connections with cmdlevel 'hack' can force other connections to observe a player. If you're not one of these, only the <player-name> argument is allowed
detach - detach from a player.[]
Synopsis: |
detach <connection-name> |
Level: info
Can not be done during PBEM. Only the console and connections with cmdlevel 'hack' can force other connections to detach from a player.
create - Create an AI player with a given name.[]
Synopsis: |
create <player-name> |
Level: ctrl
Can not be done during multiplayer or PBEM. The 'create' command is only available before the game has been started.
away - Set yourself in away mode. The AI will watch your back.[]
Synopsis: |
away away |
Level: info
The AI will govern your nation but do minimal changes.
novice - Set one or all AI players to 'novice'.[]
Synopsis: |
novice novice <player-name> |
Level: ctrl
With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level 'novice', and sets the default level for any new AI players to 'novice'. With an argument, sets the skill level for that player only.
easy - Set one or all AI players to 'easy'.[]
Synopsis: |
easy easy <player-name> |
Level: ctrl
With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level 'easy', and sets the default level for any new AI players to 'easy'. With an argument, sets the skill level for that player only.
normal - Set one or all AI players to 'normal'.[]
Synopsis: |
normal normal <player-name> |
Level: ctrl
With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level 'normal', and sets the default level for any new AI players to 'normal'. With an argument, sets the skill level for that player only.
hard - Set one or all AI players to 'hard'.[]
Synopsis: |
hard hard <player-name> |
Level: ctrl
With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level 'hard', and sets the default level for any new AI players to 'hard'. With an argument, sets the skill level for that player only.
experimental - Set one or all AI players to 'experimental'.[]
Synopsis: |
experimental experimental <player-name> |
Level: ctrl
With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill 'experimental', and sets the default level for any new AI players to this. With an argument, sets the skill level for that player only. THIS IS ONLY FOR TESTING OF NEW AI FEATURES! For ordinary servers, this option has no effect.
cmdlevel - Query or set command access level access.[]
Synopsis: |
cmdlevel cmdlevel <level> cmdlevel <level> new cmdlevel <level> first cmdlevel <level> <connection-name> |
Level: hack
The command access level controls which server commands are available to users via the client chatline. The available levels are: none - no commands info - informational commands only ctrl - commands that affect the game and users hack - *all* commands - dangerous! With no arguments, the current command access levels are reported. With a single argument, the level is set for all existing connections, and the default is set for future connections. If 'new' is specified, the level is set for newly connecting clients. If 'first come' is specified, the 'first come' level is set; it will be granted to the first client to connect, or if there are connections already, the first client to issue the 'firstlevel' command. If a connection name is specified, the level is set for that connection only. Command access levels do not persist if a client disconnects, because some untrusted person could reconnect with the same name. Note that this command now takes connection names, not player names.
firstlevel - Grab the 'first come' command access level.[]
Synopsis: |
first |
Level: info
If 'cmdlevel first come' has been used to set a special 'first come' command access level, this is the command to grab it with.
timeoutincrease - See "help timeoutincrease".[]
Synopsis: |
timeoutincrease <turn> <turninc> <value> <valuemult> |
Level: ctrl
Every <turn> turns, add <value> to timeout timer, then add <turninc> to <turn> and multiply <value> by <valuemult>. Use this command in concert with the option "timeout". Defaults are 0 0 0 1
endgame - End the game. If players are listed, these win the game.[]
Synopsis: |
endgame <player1 player2 player3 ...> |
Level: ctrl
This command ends the game immediately and credits the given players, if any, with winning it.
remove - Fully remove player from game.[]
Synopsis: |
remove <player-name> |
Level: ctrl
This *completely* removes a player from the game, including all cities and units etc. Use with care!
timeaddenemymove - Timeout at least n seconds when enemy moved.[]
Synopsis: |
timeaddenemymove <value> |
Level: ctrl
Any time a unit moves when in sight of an enemy player, the remaining timeout is set to this <value> if it was lower.
save - Save game to file.[]
Synopsis: |
save save <file-name> |
Level: hack
Save the current game to file <file-name>. If no file-name argument is given saves to "<auto-save name prefix><year>m.sav[.gz]". To reload a savegame created by 'save', start the server with the command-line argument: --file <filename> and use the 'start' command once players have reconnected.
load - Load game from file.[]
Synopsis: |
load load <file-name> |
Level: hack
Load a game from <file-name>. Any current data including players, rulesets and server options are lost.
read - Process server commands from file.[]
Synopsis: |
read <file-name> |
Level: ctrl
write - Write current settings as server commands to file.[]
Synopsis: |
write <file-name> |
Level: hack
manual - Write the server manual.[]
Synopsis: |
manual |
Level: hack
rfcstyle - Switch server output between 'RFC-style' and normal style.[]
Synopsis: |
rfcstyle |
Level: hack
Manual |
Server Manual • Command-line Options • Server Commands • Server Options |