
Note: Discuss only the Main Page and its contents here.

For questions about Freeciv itself anything else, use either the wiki forum or the web forum.


"Inspired by the history of human civilization"?

Let's be honest, it's inspired by Sid Meier's Civilization. comment by

Sure, and Sid Meier got some inspirations from the original board game. :P Maybe improve the Civilization page here, it could be wikilinked in this quote. –Dunnoob (talk) 11:46, October 11, 2014 (UTC)

Community news[]

This part of the main page can be deleted, three to five years old is ancient history and doesn't look good. –Dunnoob 💩 09:48, April 12, 2016 (UTC)

Alternatively the RSS-feature on this Wiki could display the most recent forum threads, I've tested this on my user page and (temporarily) in the Freeciv:Sandbox for some years, it almost always worked. –Dunnoob 💩 04:07, June 17, 2016 (UTC)
JFTR, at the moment {{news-com}} is redirected to {{news}}. In an older version of the main page there were two columns: Project news populated by {{news}}, and Community news populated by {{news-com}}. Maybe that would be better if {{news-com}} is revived (ideally unprotected). –Dunnoob 💩 06:21, November 25, 2017 (UTC)

Mobile users[]

The w:c:portability:Curated Main Page claims that more than 50% of all users use a mobile device and would see something like this main page (with useskin=mercury). I can't really judge it on a PC, but it appears to be seriously bad. –Dunnoob 💩 06:29, November 25, 2017 (UTC)

Game Mods Moved[]

Game Mods was moved to Game Anatomy & Modding, a more descriptive and accurate name. The other accessible links have already been moved.

1. This page links freeciv-web to the missing instead of

2. I was not able to edit or correct this mistake and since it's obvious no one has fixed this in months, I request permission to edit the main page.  Disclaimer:  I have the title of Gamemaster at, and run the Discord server for it also.

3. The main page should feature more links/resources that are easily noticed and clickable, for all the different ways to find and join a freeciv game.  I will do it if given access, otherwise I request whoever monopolises the access to please consider doing it.  This is based on me referring people to freeciv and having the majority of people "give up" by the extraordinary difficulty currently encountered in getting people installed and into a game.  

4. If given access I will rectify this with super minor revisions to main page that link to an ultra elegant simple PLAY page that will succinctly guide players through the choices to arrive at the type of game they want.

Homepage link[]

Shoudn't homepage be instead of 18:29, March 14, 2019 (UTC)
