This is the third and last release of the PepClient-PepServer thread. It will be called Warclient again for Warclient 0.9.8.
Released date: 1 December 2007.
WHAT'S CHANGED SINCE PepClient 0.9.4[]
- Added sprites for automatic units.
- Added breaks in delayed goto queues.
- Fixed moves count of trade planning calculation.
- Fix the sell bug when you bought in a city this turn.
- Added distance tool (alt(+shift)+right click and drag).
- Fixed link mark on game over state.
- The tab key allows to set focus on the chat.
- Fixed metaserver list instability.
- Fixed dynamic settings load and save when observer or detached connection.
- Auto-caravans switches used tiles of the city when they arrive. Then the caravan generates more gold and science bonus.
- Fixed short cut conflicts.
- Added missing chat colors patterns.
- Added unit link marks.
- Added new unit default action.
- Fixed auto-diplomat feature for spies' steal and sabotage functions.
- Rally points are effective only once.
- Reduces lag due to:
- Trade planning calculation.
- Menu updates.
- Map drawing.
- Auto-arrange workers when the city is under CMA control.
- The chatline is not resized when the client receive a very big line.
- Airlift, rally point, trade city cursors are not cancelled when a unit moves.
- Many clean up and miscellaneous crash fixed.
- New nations available.
- Fixed range bug for auto-attack.
- Fixed server crash due ATTRIBUTE_CHUNK_SIZE anarchic change from standard Freeciv.
- Fixed server bug due to non-tested 'fix' from standard Freeciv.
- Fixed a bug from standard Freeciv, clients could ask bribe costs of cities and units without any diplomat.
- Fixed random connection login.
- Displays on messages the gold cost of revolting cities or bribing.
- Fixed team placement.
- Fixed random unit building at end of the turn.
- A diplomat cannot doesn't get a future tech when the server doesn't find any other one.
- /autoteam is random and assign players with the ABCCBAACB... order.
- /help commands displays the commands which require a vote too.
- Fixed access level bug.
- Vote system changed (based on connection).
- Many clean up and miscellaneous crash fixed.
- Added a 1.14style ruleset.