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Wanna learn how to play Freeciv? Then you have come to the right place. If you dare to give off some of your tricks on how to win a Freeciv game, please mail the Freeciv Webmasters so your tutorial can be linked here.

What follows is not an orderly collection: some entries are years old, some are very recent; some entries get you on your feet against the AI, other entries help you compete against seasoned human players.

Title Freeciv version
Introduction to Freeciv -
How to Play Freeciv -
Freeciv for Dummies 2.1 beta
The Art of Freeciv 2.1
The Art of Freeciv-web -
A succinct guide to Warclient 2.0.9 or warclient
A succinct guide to 2.0.8 2.0.8
Detailed strategy guide for diplomacy version 2.0.0
How to beat the AI computer players 1.14.0
Freeciv without city smallpox 1.14.0
McFred's Strategies 1.7.2
Why I am better than Freeciv's AI 1.7.1
Gregurabi's Twelve Steps 1.7.0
How to WIN! 1.7.0

The civintro should be kept continuously updated. The others are personal and historical, and should not be edited.

See also[]

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